Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pencil and Note Card Holder Plans

The plans for "My Son's Christmas Gifts," the "Pencil and Note Card Holder," are available now. This project is a nice way for a parent with some woodworking experience to help a new woodworker become familiar with a number of different tools and create a wood project in a short amount of time. This project works well for doing as a team and doesn’t have so many steps that you lose the interest of your helper before the project is done.

The dimensions for the project are not critical. Sanding will smooth out inconsistencies. You can make several of these at the same time and give them as gifts. My son and I made six pencil holders and he gave them as gifts at Christmas. Even though it’s a simple project, it is also useful and should last a long time – I still have one that I made more than thirty years ago.

I have put together a 10 page pdf file with easy instructions and drawings. The plans are available here:

It's a fun project and was well received.


sarah said...

I just checked out your etsy page - it's grown! It's really impressive... the houses are super fun and the clocks look really good!

Laura said...

I am looking for the plans for the Pencil and Notecard holder and I keep getting an error to the page. Can you post the plans again? Thank you!

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